St. Bonaventure University


As noted on our Oxford main page, St. Bonaventure’s Oxford Program is not a visit to England. It is living in England. For the rest of your life, you’ll be able to begin conversations with, “When I lived in England and studied at Oxford ...”


Living at Trinity College

At Trinity College, St. 博纳旺蒂尔的学生在学年期间与三一学院的普通学生住在同一个房间. All of them are private rooms.

Smiling student lying on the lawn on campusRooms are pretty nice, pretty comfortable. A few might be shared suites.

Dorms aren’t called dorms. They’re called staircases. When you get there, you’ll see why. It actually makes perfect sense.

In many cases, 浴室和厕所(在英国它们是独立的房间)在楼梯上由每个人共用, just like a dorm in the U.S.   

Love your scout

每个楼梯都有一个“侦察员”,你会爱上他的. The scout keeps your room and staircase tidy, makes your bed every day, and once a week changes your linen. 她不是女佣,如果你那样叫她,她可能会觉得受到了侮辱. 

童子军不仅以保持井井有条而自豪,而且还以了解居民并照顾他们的福利而自豪. 他们很友好,平易近人,是当地习俗信息的绝佳来源, manners and ordinary life in England.

Professors are called tutors. Most faculty will live on-college with you. (Can’t say “live on campus” at Trinity. The word “campus” is just not used.)

Oxford students dining at 高表

餐厅 and (very moderate) drinking

Your Oxford fee includes most meals.

Formal place setting at 高表Every day starts out with a full English breakfast. 英式早餐被称为“满”,因为你盘子里堆满了食物. You’ll almost always have your choice of cereal, 酸奶, 煎蛋, poached eggs, scrambled eggs, boiled eggs, 培根, 香肠, occasionally haggis or black pudding (Google them), baked beans, sautéed mushrooms, roasted tomatoes, 土豆, 糕点, 面包, 水果, coffee and tea. Breakfast is served cafeteria style.

除了高桌晚上,晚餐也提供自助餐厅的风格. The menu varies every night, 有几道主菜(其中一道菜总是素食), numerous side dishes and salads, and a nice variety of desserts.



周五和周六的午餐和晚餐都是你自己吃的. 这里有汉堡店和三明治店,但也有很棒的餐厅, including Japanese, 泰国, 朝鲜文, 中国人, 意大利, 土耳其, 摩洛哥, 阿拉伯, Caribbean and on and on. 

Late-night munchies mean Hassan’s, 就是每天晚上停在三一学院正门对面直到凌晨的餐车. 切尔西·克林顿在牛津大学读书时是这里的常客. Definitely habit-forming. 



One night every week, 会有一个正式的宴会,叫做高表:正式的餐桌, coats and ties for gentlemen, cocktail wear for ladies, the blessing in Latin, 非凡的美酒配上也许是你吃过的最精致的美食.

高桌是一种仪式,一种你永远不会忘记的经历. 你会惊讶地发现,你很快就习惯了这种优雅而精致的用餐方式,并将其视为你生活中理所当然的一部分. After 高表, 你再也不用担心参加正式晚宴了, 因此,即使是宴会也是对你未来的教育和良好培训.

Two students at the door of Saracens PubSince you’ll be living as Englishmen and Englishwomen do, 毫无疑问,你会找到一家让你感到特别受欢迎和舒适的酒吧. You’ll call it, as the English do, your “local.”

酒吧文化不鼓励甚至不允许过度饮酒. 而, 你去酒吧和你的朋友喝几杯啤酒。, maybe play darts, maybe watch a football match, maybe just enjoy good talk with friends, new and old.  

One pub you’ll also visit regularly is the college bar, 三一学院自己的优质啤酒酒窖位于食堂下面. 这是一个温暖而受欢迎的地方,离你的房间只有几英尺远,由一些你见过的最好的人经营. St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学偶尔会在啤酒酒窖举行学生会议. 一个圣. Bonaventure crest hangs over he bar year-round.

全球网赌十大网站ors lined up outside a castle

即便, sightseeing & 旅行

Trinity is located in the center of the city. 在正门对面的街道上,你会发现一些小餐馆和咖啡店. One block away is the city’s main shopping street, cobblestone Cornmarket Street, for pedestrians only.

Students outside the Eiffel Tower in ParisIt’s a short walk to the bus station, train station, the public library, the Ashmolean and the University Museums, shopping malls, and dozens of other shops, 餐厅, pubs and theaters. Within two blocks are a grocery store, a drug store, cell phone shops, bank ATM machines and several boutiques and gift shops.

虽然三一学院有健身房,但你可以在镇上的健身房购买夏季会员资格. 自行车在牛津和汽车一样普遍,可以在城里的任何商店租到. 如果你想在流经牛津的河流上度过一个下午,你也可以租到划艇和平底船(一种由杆子推动的特殊的螺旋船).

The University Parks, 沿河有几英里风景优美的小路, are nice for running, sunning or funning.

Wonderful and wonder-filled weekends

一个学生调皮地走进大本钟外的电话亭你到达牛津的那天晚上,你会和你的同学和导师一起去酒吧吃晚餐. 第二天,您将在导游的带领下参观牛津的历史遗迹.

第一周结束时,将有一天去伦敦旅游. 您的火车票和伦敦地铁的一日通票都包含在您的费用中. 剩下的时间,你可以自己在伦敦做任何你想做的事. There’s a lot to do!

There will also be a day trip to Stonehenge, the historic Salisbury Cathedral, and maybe some other fascinating place or town.

节目稍后的另一次实地考察将带你去拍摄哈利波特电影的摄影棚. Very simply, it is magic. 

一个长, 为期四天的周末是为你自己的旅行留出的,这样学生就有机会看到欧洲的其他地方. 在过去, most students have opted for Paris, Amsterdam and Dublin but others have visited Prague, 柏林, 罗马, Copenhagen or Venice. 一个冒险的团队飞往克罗地亚的一个神奇岛屿. 省下你的钱,和你的朋友一起度过一个难忘的周末吧.

请注意:当你在英国自由旅行时, 苏格兰, Wales or Ireland any weekend during the program, 旅行 outside the U.K. 是允许的 during the Away Weekend only.

Oxford is for adults only, please

如果你是明年夏天有幸住在牛津大学的学生之一, 大学和主管会期望你表现得像一个负责任的成年人,并会相应地对待你.

Student on a bench on campusThey will not babysit you. They will not monitor you. Unless you give them a reason to think otherwise, 他们会认为你们是完全有能力自己做决定和照顾自己的淑女和绅士.

The drinking age in England is 18. Pubs are everywhere. English beer is stronger than American beer. 尽管如此,如果你的计划是去英国喝酒,那就不要参加牛津项目. If that’s your plan, please stay home. 任何在牛津项目期间滥用酒精的人都可能被当场开除,并被送回美国,费用由他或她自己承担.

同样的责任也适用于你的学术工作. 你需要自己处理大部分的学习, 在“学习社区”中与你的学生同事一起工作.” 

In short, living in England and participating in the St. Bonaventure Oxford Program is for adults only.