St. 博纳旺蒂尔 University


Professors from all schools in the university who have been bestowed the title of "emeritus" upon retirement from full-time teaching.

The title of professor emeritus is an honorary designation that may be awarded to recognize those who have retired with the earned rank of associate professor or professor after at least 10 years of full-time meritorious service to the university and their field of knowledge. While no longer full-time faculty members, some continue to teach on occasion as adjunct instructors.

Apczynski, John V.


艺术学院 and 科学

Professor Emeritus, 神学
  • Ph.D., McGill University, Montreal, 1972
  • M.A., University of Dayton, Ohio, 1967
  • B.A., St. John’s College, Little Rock, Ark., 1964


  • Doers of the Word:  Toward a Foundational 神学 Based on the Thought of Michael Polanyi. Missoula, Montana: Scholars Press, 1977.
  • 编辑器. Foundations of Religious Literacy. The Annual Publication of the College 神学 Society. Chico, CA: Scholars Press, 1983.
  • 编辑器. 神学 and the University. The Annual Publication of the College 神学 Society. Lanham: University Press of America, 1990.
  • 编辑器. The Intellectual Journey. Needham Heights, MA: Simon & Schuster Custom Publishing, 1998. [Text based on themes of 博纳旺蒂尔’s The Mind’s Journey into God developed for the introductory foundational seminar course of Clare College, the core program at S.B.U.] 

Articles in Scholarly Journals and Collections 

  • “Integrative 神学:  A Polanyian Proposal for Theological Foundations,” Theological Studies, 40 (1979), 23-43. 
  • “Truth in Religion: A Polanyian Appraisal of Wolfhart Pannenberg’s Theological Program,” Zygon, 17 (1982), 49-73.
  • With Michael Chiariello. “Agassi on Polanyi:  Comments on Joseph Agassi’s Science and Society,”Tradition and Discovery, 13, no. 1 (Fall, 1985-86), 4-19.
  • “Mysticism and Epistemology,” Studies in Religion/科学 Religieuses, 14 (1985), 193-205.
  • “Are Religion and Science Distinct or Dichotomous Realms?” Tradition and Discovery, 15, no. 1 (Winter, 1987-88), 4-14.
  • “Authority: A House or a Home?” Raising the Torch of Good News. Ed. 伯纳德·P. 鲁萨克. Annual Publication of the College 神学 Society, 1986. Lanham:  University Press of America, 1988. Pp. 127-144.
  • “Richard Rorty and Michael Polanyi: Is There Truth after Foundationalism?” Reflections for a panel, “The Tacit Victory and the Unfinished Agenda,” Tradition and Discovery, 18, no. 1 (1991-92), 11-13. 
  • “John Hick’s Theocentrism: Revolutionary or Implicitly Exclusivist?” 现代神学, 8:1 (1992), 39-52. 
  • “Belief in God, Proper Basicality, and Rationality,” Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 60:2 (1992), 501-512. J. Wesley Robbins, “Response,” 基列耶琳就寻见, 61 (1993), 339-41; “Rejoinder,” 341-42.
  • “Polanyi’s Augustinianism: A Mark of the Future?” Tradition and Discovery, 20, no. 1 (1993-94), 27-41.

My professional and research interests focus around issues of contemporary religious thought. My current concerns are shaped by the effort to bring scientific and post-modern assumptions into dialogue with a renewed interpretation of certain Augustinian themes about human subjectivity, particularly as they were expressed by the medieval Franciscan theologian, 博纳旺蒂尔.


  • The Discovery of Meaning through Scientific and Religious Forms of Indwelling,” a paper presented at the Polanyi Society meeting at the national convention of the American Academy of Religion, 亚特兰大, 11月21日, 2003.
  • “The Meaning of Meaning,” a paper presented at a conference on Polanyi’s Post-Critical Thought and the Rebirth of Meaning, Loyola University, 芝加哥, IL, 6月8 - 10, 2001.
  • “创造, 进化, and Divine Agency: A Bonaventurian Perspective,” paper presented at a conference on evolution and design at Calvin College, 大急流城, MI, 可能24-6, 2001.
  • “Reflections on Gunter’s Resurrection Knowledge,” a paper presented at the Polanyi Society meeting held at the national convention of the American Academy of Religion, 纳什维尔, 11月17日, 2000.
  • “Book review of 神学 as the Road to Holiness in St. 博纳旺蒂尔 by Charles Carpenter,” Horizons, 27 (2000), 411-13.